John wick quotes from the non-stop action films

John wick (film)

Чему учит фильм?

Насилие: Более 100 исключительно жестоких сцен со смакованием всех подробностей убийств.

Секс: Несколько сцен развлечений преступников с полуобнажёнными девушками в бане.

Наркотики: Босс русской мафии один раз употребляет марихуану, Джон Уик употребляет лекарственные стимуляторы, а алкоголь вообще льётся рекой на протяжении всего фильма.

В картине наблюдаются следующие признаки вредного фильма:

– В фильме подчёркнуто демонстрируется ценность личного успеха и преуспевания независимо от чистоплотности способа их достижения. Безнравственное или даже преступное поведение героев по сюжету либо остаётся безнаказанным, либо даже ведёт к улучшению их жизни: получению признания, популярности, богатства и т.д.

Quotes by Winston

18. “14 million dollar bounty on his head and everyone in the city wants a piece of it. I would say the odds are about even”

19. “Rules. Without them, we live with the animals”

20. “You stabbed the devil in the back. To him, this isn’t vengeance; this is justice”

21. “I know what you’re thinking, Jonathan. We live by a code, which is why I’m not the one telling you that a certain helicopter at a certain helipad is being fueled for a certain someone.”

22. “This kingdom is mine, and mine alone”

23. “Have you thought this through? I mean, chewed down to the bone? You got out once. You dip so much as a pinky back into this pond… you may well find something reaches out… and drags you back into its depths.”

Жизненные девизы

Люди с татуировками, воспринимаются по-особенному. Они кажутся сильными, мудрыми, целеустремленными, смелыми. Они не бояться продемонстрировать всем свои жизненные взгляды, показать свою истинную натуру. Иногда достаточно одного слова на латыни, чтобы охарактеризовать себя: Libertas (Свобода), Pater (отец), Voluptas (удовольствие), Sapientia (мудрость), Victoria (победа), Fortuna (счастье).

Тату на латыни «Смелым судьба помогает» поможет справляться со страхом в любых ситуациях. Знаменитая фраза «Через тернии к звездам», которая невероятно красиво звучит – «Per aspera ad astra» смотивирует на преодоление любых препятствий, покажет окружающим, что трудности Вас не пугают. Подобное значение несет и афоризм Сенеки «Дорогу осилит идущий».

Неординарно звучит словосочетание «Каждому свое» на латыни. Татуировка обязательно вызовет интерес окружающих.

Никогда не потеряют актуальность и защитные надписи: Спаси и Сохрани», «Под крылом ангела», «С Богом».

Помнить всегда нужно и о ценности времени. Жизнь не вечна, смерть неизбежна. «Carpe diem» — «Ловите момент». Но спешить осуществлять планы нужно в меру: «Всему свое время».

Крылатых фраз на латыни со смыслом, невероятно много: о справедливости, честности, дружбе, доверии, силе духа, поисках смысла жизни. И мужские тату, и женские создают индивидуальный образ, выделяют из толпы, вдохновляют.

12 Bowery King Quotes in ‘John Wick’

The man. The myth. The legend. John Wick. You’re not very good at retiring. – Bowery King
He’s offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars is a lot of money, Mr. Wick. – Bowery King
Well, since you see it that way, I guess it’s time I told you to climb down off your High Table and go f*** yourself. – Bowery King
Avert your eyes, my sweet. The king is dead. Long live the king. – Bowery King
Okay. You made your point. You have earned my fealty. Matter of fact, I’m gonna shove so much fealty up your a** it’s gonna come spilling out of your mouth. – Bowery King
Welcome to my Mission Control. Brain stem of my operation. The information super flyway. From whence I control the word on the street, the way of the world. – Bowery King
You think you can take John Wick? You got a nasty surprise coming. – Bowery King
Well, sometimes you got to cut a motherf*****. – Bowery King
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Raise a hand if you can hear me, John. – Bowery King
Your descent into hell begins here, Mr. Wick. Earl will guide, do be careful on your way down. Oh, and remember, you owe me. – Bowery King
You look as bad as I feel. – Bowery King
Let it be known the Bowery will honor the excommunicado. No help. No services of any kind. – Bowery King

What are your favorite John Wick quotes from the action thriller movie?

If you love action films, you’ll love the epic story of John Wick.

This movie depicts the brutal nature of revenge, grief, and loss.

This list of famous John Wick quotes includes some of the most memorable lines from the films.

Reading these amazing movie quotes will make you want to rewatch the entire franchise all over again.

Anyone who has ever owned a dog or experienced a loss can relate to the character of John Wick.

This movie is a great example of how powerful the desire for vengeance can be when you are experiencing grief.

These John Wick quotes will remind you why you fell in love with your favorite scenes and characters.

Share this collection of powerful quotes with someone in your life who could use the motivation.

What are your favorite John Wick quotes and lines from the film franchise?

Let us know in the comment section below.

Samantha is a writer, editor, and cannabis enthusiast. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in marketing from California State University, Northridge. Her academic background also includes coursework for journalism, accounting, international finance, and business administration.She is an experienced content strategist with marketing skills that are proven to get results. Her written work includes a long list of published articles and successful written campaigns. She strives to make all her writing engaging, accurate, and SEO-optimized. She is proficient in WordPress, Microsoft Office Suite, Hootsuite, Photoshop, and other relevant programs.When she isn’t busy writing, you can find her doing yoga, traveling, or hanging out with her three precious angel baby cats.

More John Wick Quotes and Dialogues to Revisit

28. Viggo Tarasov: “They know you’re coming.”

John Wick: “Of course, but it won’t matter.”

29. John Wick: “Viggo.”

Viggo Tarasov: “Yeah?”

John Wick: “When Helen died, I lost everything. Until that dog arrived on my doorstep—a final gift from my wife. In that moment, I received some semblance of hope—an opportunity to grieve unalone. And your son took that from me—.”

Viggo Tarasov: “Oh, god.”

John Wick: “Stole that from me. Killed that from me! People keep asking if I’m back, and I haven’t really had an answer. But now, yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m back. So you can either hand over your son, or you can die screaming alongside him!”

30. Iosef Tarasov: “Father, I can make this right.”

Viggo Tarasov: “Oh? How do you plan that?”

Iosef Tarasov: “By finishing what I started.”

Viggo Tarasov: “What the—did he hear a f*ckin’ word I said?”

Iosef Tarasov: “Dad, I can do this! Please!”

Viggo Tarasov: “Iosef, Iosef! Listen! Huh? John will come for you, and you will do nothing because you can do nothing, so get the f*ck out of my sight!”

Do You Believe That the Thirst for Vengeance Is Made Stronger by Love?

Love is a powerful emotion that can drive us to do many things. Sadly, when we get hurt through the ones we love, we are consumed by a pain we cannot easily overcome.

Helen was John Wick’s ground zero. She was the anchor that held him together and helped him escape the life of violence he once lived.

When she died, it seemed like everything John Wick tried to build with her crumbled, leading him down the dark path of revenge. One of John Wick’s famous quotes goes, “Whoever comes, whoever it is—I’ll kill them; I’ll kill them all.”

This was said at one of the lowest points of his life. His wife’s death left him vulnerable and in pain.

Though the John Wick franchise mainly focuses on action, it is also a story of love and life in many ways. It shows us how love can push us toward our happiest and lowest points.

Remember the lessons you’ve learned from this collection of the most famous John Wick quotes. Revisit this list whenever you want to review the best lines and dialogues from the franchise!

«Джон Уик 3»

Уинстон не раз превозносил Джона, так как действительно знает, на что тот способен. В начале третьего фильма, когда на Джона Уика открыли контракт в 14 миллионов долларов, Уинстон непрозрачно намекнул Харону, что Джон по силам равен десяткам и сотням убийц, которые захотят стать мультимиллионерами.

В «Джоне Уике 2» дебютировал «Голубиный король». Оказалось, что он держит целый кусок Нью-Йорка, однако его люди ходят не в ресторане в дорогих пиджаках, а сидят в переходах и просят деньги. Самое интересное в цитате «Голубиного короля» — это фраза «Я – то, на что вы не снизойдете взглянуть, идя по ночным улицам». Во втором фильме было доказательство этой реплики, когда Джон попросил одного из людей Боулера помочь ему

Киллеры, гнавшиеся за Джоном, даже не обратили внимание на сидящего человека в обносках, за что и получили две пули

Перед подготовкой к битве в «Континентале» Джон Уик сказал Уинстону, что ему нужно много оружия. Это отличная отсылка к той сцене в «Матрице», когда Нео и Тринити собираются вызволять Морфеуса из плена.

Ближе к финалу фильма Джон столкнулся с двумя киллерами Зеро. Они достаточно быстро одолевают его, но не делают последний удар, хотя легко могли убить Уика. Вместо этого, они помогают ему подняться, после чего первый говорит, что рад познакомиться, а второй – что для него честь драться с ним. Джона уважают в его мире даже спустя годы пенсии. При этом, что интересно, уважение оказывается взаимным. Джон в конце концов одерживает победу, но не убивает своих врагов, так как они исключительно из уважения и профессионального интереса пощадили его дважды.

Top 10 Most Famous ‘John Wick’ Quotes (BEST)

He stole John Wick’s car, sir. And, uhhh, killed his dog. – AurelioWell, John wasn’t exactly ‘The Boogeyman’. He was the one you sent to kill the f***** Boogeyman. – Viggo TarasovI once saw him kill three men in a bar, with a pencil. – Viggo TarasovJohn is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will, something you know very little about. – Viggo Tarasov
It’s okay. Let’s go home. – John Wick
Do I look civilized to you? – John Wick
People don’t change. Times do. – Viggo Tarasov
Let us not resort to our baser instincts and handle this like civilized men to move on. – Viggo Tarasov
There’s no rhyme or reason to this life. It’s days like today scattered among the rest. – Marcus
The knife is in your aorta. You pull it out, you will bleed and you will die. Consider this a professional courtesy. – John Wick

«Джон Уик 2»

Действие второго фильма происходит сразу после финала первого. Джон Уик начал искать свою машину, и узнал, что она находится у брата Вигго, Абрама Тарасова. Правая рука Абрама была в замешательстве. Он спросил у Тарасова, как они могут бросить все из-за обычной машины, на что Абрам ответил, что это машина Джона Уика. Этот диалог отсылает сразу к нескольким диалогам из первого фильма, когда люди забывали обо всем сразу после того, как узнавали, что им придется столкнуться с самим Уиком.

Абрам Тарасов считал, что Джон убьет абсолютно всех, но каково же было его удивление, когда Уик предложил заключить мир. Абрам не поверил в это, подумал, что, возможно, Джон заманивает его в словесную ловушку, но как только Уик подтвердил свое предложение, Тарасов сразу же согласился. Он понимал, что воевать против Джона нет никакого смысла, и принял мир после того, как Джон убил его брата и племянника.

Многие автолюбители, посмотревшие первые две части «Джона Уика», захотели иметь такого же друга, как Аурелио

Он не только владеет важной информацией и готов предоставить Джону машину, но и может починить то, что уже, казалось бы, починить невозможно. К сожалению, в следующих двух частях Аурелио не появился, но фанаты надеются, что он вернется в «Джоне Уике 5» или спин-оффах

Мир «Джона Уика» подготавливает зрителя к тому, что в этой вселенной убийцы на каждом шагу, и что весь мир в фильмах живет на контрактах – каждый заказывает каждого. Сантино Д’Антонио приходит к Джону, чтобы тот вернул ему долг, а после отказа взрывает его дом. Вскоре Уик узнает, что Сантино хочет смерти своей сестры, и при этом в комичной манере говорит, что сам убить ее не может, так как это все же его сестра, и он ее, якобы, любит. Благодаря только одной этой реплике становится понятно, что Сантино Д’Антонио – это не тот человек, которому стоит доверять.

Уинстон всегда красноречив, и он доказал это во втором фильме в диалоге с Сантино Д’Антонио, который не только заставил Джона вернуться в прежний мир, но и предал его. Уинстону этот поступок противен, так как он хорошо относится к Джону и крайне негативно относится к Сантино. В своей реплике Уинстон буквально похоронил Д’Антонио и заставил его по-настоящему бояться Джона, который был уже очень близко.

Most Popular Quotes of John Wick Movies

The John Wick series has thrilled audiences around the world with its adrenaline-filled action sequences and powerful quotes. Here we look at some of the most popular lines from this high-octane series that have become iconic in pop culture. 

What can be a better introduction to John wick’s character in the movie than this, Viggo was plenty upset when he learned that Aurelio had struck his Son, and at that moment, Viggo was told his son’s doing by Aurelio, and his reactions are one of the most favorite responses of cinema history” Oh.”

It was a monumental defining moment for the audience, for it showed that even a man as tough and forceful as Viggo Tarasov feared the “Baba-Yaga.” Neither he, his son, nor his company would survive the wrath of the former assassin, who had resolved to return to the business maliciously.

The quote, “Rules. Without them, we live with the animals,” has been used by many to explain the importance of laws and regulations in society. Rules are a key part of our social structure; without them, there would be chaos.

They are important because they provide order and guidance on how people should behave towards each other and ultimately keep us safe from harm. At its core, this quote is about understanding the value of rules in a civilized world.

In the John Wick movie franchise, the character of John Wick (played by Keanu Reeves) is a former hitman who has retired from the criminal underworld.

However, in the first movie, he is forced to come out of retirement after a group of Russian gangsters kills his dog, which was a gift from his recently deceased wife.

The quote “You Wanted Me Back. I’m Back!” is spoken by John Wick at the end of the first movie, after he has completed his mission of seeking revenge against the Russian gangsters.

It suggests that the people who had wronged him wanted him to return to his former life as a hitman and that he has now done so in order to seek retribution.

The quote conveys a sense of determination and resolves on the part of John Wick as he returns to the world of violence and danger in order to right the wrongs that have been inflicted upon him.

The quote is an ancient proverb that has been around for centuries. In this case, it implies that if one desires peace, one must be willing to take measures of preparation that are associated with war.

This phrase has been used throughout history to encourage individuals to stay vigilant and prepared. By being ready for conflict if needed, individuals can prevent potential threats from arising or escalating into full-blown wars.

This quote refers to John Wick’s character and his determination to complete a task. Viggo Tarasov is saying that John is a man who is extremely focused and committed to what he does, and he has an incredible amount of willpower and determination.

Viggo implies that he lacks these qualities, suggesting he is not as determined or dedicated as John Wick.

This quote implies that while individual people may change, the circumstances they find themselves in remain largely the same. This can be seen in various aspects of life, such as relationships, politics, and the economy.

In other words, while individuals may modify their behavior or outlook on certain topics, the situations they are placed in stay consistent.

This quote means that sometimes in order to protect or preserve something you care about, you may have to take drastic measures, even if it means causing harm or ending the life of something or someone you love. It suggests that sometimes love and loyalty can require difficult sacrifices.

Любовные цитаты

Большая любовь стимулирует молодежь искать тату надписи на латыни с переводом, чтобы признаться в чувствах, убедить избранника в искренности, серьёзности намерений

Уверенны, что нашли свою половинку? Обратите внимание на цитаты «Одна жизнь – одна любовь», «Навсегда в моем сердце». Пары выбирают популярные фразы: «Влюбленные — безумные», «Сильно и крепко»

Любовь — это не всегда радостные эмоции, есть место и для боли. И многочисленные латинские выражения об этом говорят: «Odi et amo» («Ненавижу и люблю», «Abiens, abi!» («Уходя, уходи!»), «Vivit sub pectore vulnus» («Живет в груди рана»).

Татуировки о любви не обязательно посвящать определенному человеку, есть просто красивые фразы на латыни. Их часто наносят на тело девушки, чтобы подчеркнуть романтичность, готовность любить, быть любимой: «Ut ameris, amabilis esto» («Будь достоин любви – тебя полюбят»), «Amor omnia vincit» («Все побеждает любовь»), «Magna res est amor» («Любовь – великая вещь»).

Movie Quotes From John Wick Chapter 4

  • This hit goes out to you, Mr. Wick. -Operator
  • Challenge him to single combat. Win or lose, it’s a way out. -Winston
  • I don’t sit at The Table.- Wick
  • Your family does. -Winston
  • You come here thinking there is a way out of this world for you, Mr. Wick. There is not. -Marquis
  • You think your wife can hear you? -Caine
  • No. -John Wick
  • Then why bother? -Caine movie quotes from John Wick Chapter 4
  • Maybe I’m wrong. -John
  • I am the way to eternal pain. -Bowery King
  • You are no longer New York. You are nothing. You are excommunicado. -Marquis
  • It has been an honor, my friend. -Charon
  • He was. And a friend. -Caine
  • I will serve. I will be of service. -Caine
  • I know a guy who knows a guy who killed a guy. -Bowery King
  • Consequences. -John Wick

  • You are now in the presence of the Mother F@cking king! -Bowery King
  • If its between you and her, you’re going to die. -Caine
  • Maybe not. -John
  • If you win, The Table will honor its word. You will have your freedom. -Marquis
  • But you won’t take it. Blades. -Marquis movie quotes from John Wick Chapter 4
  • Pistols. -John Wick
  • We are not here because of John Wick. He is merely a symbol of your failures. -Marquis
  • Dueling pistols. Thirty paces. In the event that both parties survive, each will approach the other at increments of ten paces until only one remains. -Harbinger
  • No one, not even you, can kill everyone. -Shimazu
  • And John, do me a small courtesy. Kill as many as you can. -Shimazu
  • So, you want to kill him. You want to kill him. I want to kill him. What about you, Mr. Wick? -Killa
  • I’m going to kill you.- John Wick Chapter 4 quotes
  • No one, not even you, can kill everyone. -Bowery King movie quotes from John Wick Chapter 4
  • For bet, of course. Well. Looks like we have ourselves a genuine conundrum. A Quandry if you will. A real life dilemma. – Killa
  • Failure to meet at sunrise will result in execution. -Harbinger
  • I thought we’d play a game. One hand. The winner decides who lives and who does not. – Killa
  • I’m going to need a gun. -John Wick
  • That’s f@cking good, man. -Tracker
  • Those who cling to death live. -John
  • Those who cling to life, die. -Caine

  • A new day is dawning. New ideas, new rules, new management. -Marquis
  • And so it begins. -Winston
  • A little far from home, aren’t you? – Wick movie quotes from John Wick Chapter 4
  • Your little act of uncivil disobedience inspired me, John. I’m branching out. Spreading my wings. -Bowery King
  • Its Kevlar front to back. The latest in ballistic chic.- Bowery King
  • You and I left a good life behind a long time ago, my friend. -John Wick
  • They gave you my name. I’m sorry. -John
  • Me too. -Caine
  • After all, a man has to look his best when its time to get married or buried. -Bowery King
  • Last words, Winston? -John Wick
  • Just have fun out there. -Winston movie quotes from John Wick Chapter 4
  • I want you to find your peace. But a good death only comes after a good life. -Shimazu
  • The Table will never stop. You know this. -Shimazu
  • The only way John Wick will ever have freedom and peace is in death. -The Elder
  • An emotional support animal. -Akira
  • Of course, it is. -Shimazu
  • It only takes life. It only gives death. -Shimazu

  • Come on, John, let’s get this sh!t over with. -Caine
  • You dead, John? -Caine
  • Don’t. Live. -Caine
  • D@mn, Johnny. This is quite the mess you made. -Tracker
  • Either you kill him or I will. -Akira
  • How much? -John
  • Not enough. But its getting there. -Tracker
  • You owe John Wick nothing. -Caine
  • Cmon, I don’t want to do this. -Caine
  • Last time you spoke to him you shot him off the roof. -Bowery King
  • So what are you? -Bowery King
  • Aggrieved. -Winston
  • What do you get out of this, Winston? -John
  • What you are so good at getting, Johnathan. Revenge. -Winston
  • This is personal. -Wick
  • A blind man, a man with a dog and John Wick all take a spot at the table. -Killa
  • You are a killer. It’s the killing that gives you purpose. -Marquis
  • I think I’ll miss you when you’re gone. -Marquis
  • Shame I can’t say the same. -Winston
  • We’re d@mned, you and I. -Caine
  • On that, we can agree. -John Wick
  • This viper has ferocious f@cking fangs. -Bowery King

Dialogues from John wick

35. John Wick: Yes?Hotel Manager: I apologize for calling you at this hour, but we have received a number of grievances from your floor concerning the noise.John Wick: My apologies. I was dealing with an uninvited guest.Hotel Manager: Have you need then of, say, a dinner reservation, perhaps?John Wick: Perhaps. I’ll have to get back to you.

36. Bowery King: Oh, and remember – you owe me.John Wick: You don’t want me owing you.

37. The Elder: Why do you want to live?John Wick: To remember Helen. To remember us.

38. John Wick: You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?Bowery King: Somebody, please – get this man a gun!

39. Viggo Tarasov: What happened, John?… We were professionals… Civilized.John Wick: Do I look civilized to you?

40. Charlie: Good to see you John.John Wick: Charlie…Charlie: You look good. And here I’d feared you’d left all this behind.

41. John Wick: Open it.Priest: Do you think you can scare me into opening this gate?John Wick: Yes, I do. Open it.Priest: Viggo will kill me.John Wick: Uh-huh.

Quotes by Others

27. “I’ve lived my life my way, and I’ll die my way” – Gianna D’ Antonio

28. “What would your Helen think about you?” – Gianna D’ Antonio

29. “No wife, no dog, no home. You have nothing, John. Vengeance is all you have left.” – Santino D’Antonio

30. “Is that a dog? He likes you. Me? I’m more of a cat person” –Zero

31. “I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. And so far, you haven’t disappointed” –Zero

32. “We can keep this up as long as you like. But this only ends one way” -The Adjudicator

33. “I can assure you that the stories you hear about this man, if nothing else, have been watered down” – Abram Tarasov

34. “John, I’m sorry I can’t be there for you. But you still need something, someone to love, so start with this. Because the car doesn’t count. I love you, John. This illness has loomed over us for a long time and now that I have found my peace, find yours. Until that day, your best friend.” – Helen

Top 5 Criminals in John Wick

Winston : Winston is the owner of Continental Hotel. Being one of the major figures in the criminal world, he holds great power in defining and enforcing the rules of the criminal world.

The Bowery King : He is the leader of Bowery, which on the outside is a homeless shelter but in reality is an underground intelligence syndicate. Bowery king wears a silk robe and assists John Wick with his objectives.

The Adjudicator: Many fans underestimate The Adjudicator, but her work behind the scenes made the objectives of John Wick difficult. She likes to manipulate people so that she can achieve what she wants.

Zero : There are very few enemies which gave John Wick a proper fight and Zero is the one who put up with everything John has to offer. He was able to predict John Wick’s every move while fighting.

Cassian : Unlike others in the John Wick universe, Cassian wants only money, and he only kills for money. He took the contract of John Wick and proved to be a good opponent for him. Emotions aren’t something that hinder his fighting.

About John Wick Movies

John Wick is a series of action movies that began in 2014, starring Keanu Reeves. The first film follows the story of Wick, an ex-hitman who seeks revenge for killing his beloved puppy, which was the last gift from his dead wife.

In 2017 and 2019, two sequels were released, with both films taking John Wick on new adventures as he fights against a variety of opponents. All three films have received critical acclaim and have become cult favorites among moviegoers.

The John Wick movies are known for their intense fight sequences termed “gunfu” and stylish cinematography. Each film features incredible action choreography that highlights the agility and skill of Keanu Reeves throughout all his fight scenes. 

Additionally, diverse settings from New York to Rome add charm to each movie’s visuals. All these factors combined make the John Wick trilogy an enjoyable experience for any action aficionado or casual viewer alike.

Best John Wick Quotes

1. “John is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will—something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar with a pencil—with a f*cking pencil! Then suddenly, one day, he asked to leave. It’s over a woman, of course. So I made a deal with him. I gave him an impossible task. A job no one could have pulled off. The bodies he buried that day laid the foundation of what we are now. And then, my son, a few days after his wife died, you steal his car and kill his f*cking dog.” – Viggo Tarasov

2. “Rules. Without them, we live with the animals.” – Winston

3. “This life follows you. It clings to you—infecting everyone that comes close to you. We are cursed, you and I.” – Viggo Tarasov

4. Viggo Tarasov: “What happened, John? We were professionals. Civilized.”

John Wick: “Do I look civilized to you?”

5. Viggo Tarasov: “It’s not what you did, son, that angers me so. It’s who you did it to.”

Iosef Tarasov: “Who? That f*cking nobody?”

Viggo Tarasov: “That ‘f*cking nobody’ is John Wick. He once was an associate of ours. They call him ‘Baba Yaga.’”

Iosef Tarasov: “The boogeyman?”

Viggo Tarasov: “Well, John wasn’t exactly the boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the f*cking boogeyman.”

6. “So, I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?” – John Wick

7. Viggo Tarasov: “I heard you struck my son.”

Aurelio: “Yes, sir, I did.”

Viggo Tarasov: “And may I ask why?”

Aurelio: “Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick’s car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog.”

Viggo Tarasov: “Oh.”

8. Marcus: “It’s been a while. My condolences. How’re you holding up?”

John Wick: “I keep asking, ‘Why her?’”

Marcus: “There’s no rhyme or reason to this life. It’s days like today scattered among the rest.”

9. Iosef Tarasov: “Are you scared of the f*ckin’ boogeyman? I’m not.”

Kirill: “No? But you should be.”

Что означает татуировка Джона Уика?

Мы видели Джона в душе с татуировкой во всю спину. Надпись, выполненная черными буквами, гласит: «Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat», что в переводе с латинского означает «Фортуна любит смелых». Эти слова являются девизом 3-го морского батальона, базирующегося на Гавайях. Таким образом, татуировка Уика — намек на то, что он служил в морском флоте.

Кстати, пока не забыли. В Сети сейчас не так много ресурсов, которые ведут толковую аналитику по фильмам и сериалам. В их числе — телеграм-канал @SciFiNews , авторы которого пишут годнейшие аналитические материалы — разборы и теории фанатов, толкования послетитровых сцен, а также секреты бомбических франшиз, вроде фильмов MARVEL

и «Игры Престолов ». Подписывайтесь, чтобы потом не искать — @SciFiNews . Однако вернемся к нашей теме…

11 Winston Quotes in ‘John Wick’

A 14-million dollar bounty on his head, and every interested party in the city wants a piece of it. I’d say the odds are about even. – Winston
Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war). – Winston
You stabbed the devil in the back and forced him back into the life that he just left. – Winston
The contract has gone international. You have no idea what’s coming. – Winston
Your membership to the Continental has been, by thine own hand, revoked. – Winston
Now, as I recall, weren’t you the one tasked to dole out the beatings, not to receive them? – Winston
This kingdom is mine, and mine alone. – Winston
Oh yes. As a matter of fact, the body gets colder within these very walls. – Winston
Do what you do best. Hunt. – Winston
I have no control over Mr. Wick’s actions. – Winston

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