60 kill bill quotes on revenge, martial arts, and assassins

Убить билла vs не убивать билла: что на самом деле решила беатрикс

Титры и саундтрек

Этой трактовки не было бы, если бы Тарантино не показал титры: именно там кроется подсказка, что Билл остался жив.

Вернита Грин в исполнении Вивики Эй Фокс. Кадр из фильма.

В начале титров абсолютно всех персонажей фильма показывают, когда они живы – кроме Билла. Его показывают лежащим на траве, подразумевая, что и он тоже жив.

Потом режиссеру показалось, что одних титров недостаточно. Он показал еще одни, которые включили в себя имена героев из смертельного списка и Беатрикс. Имена актеров, игравших этих персонажей (кроме Беатрикс) перечеркнуты. Имя Билла не перечеркнуто. Это еще одна прямая подсказка.

Песня из “Убить Билла” называется “Lonely Shepherd” (Одинокий пастух), эта композиция играет в конце.

В этой песне говорится о подведении итогов, в ней поется о человеке уже в годах, о человеке, прошедшем большой и трудный путь, о человеке, который очень-очень многое понял. Он с легкой грустной иронией смотрит со своей высоты на прошлое, и с твердой надеждой, подкрепленной опытом – в будущее.

В этой песне есть скрытый смысл: в ней очень много зрелой любви, и она никак не может отражать убийство и месть.

Другой взгляд

В многочисленных разборах и рецензиях можно встретить и прямо противоположную точку зрения.

С Биллом был применен удар, повреждающий сердце. Чтобы понять, легенда этот удар или нет, следует просто ознакомиться с причинами кровотечения изо рта (кровохаркание): это бывает при сердечной недостаточности и обширных травмах и свидетельствует также о неблагоприятном прогнозе.

Кадр из фильма.

Кроме того, японская философия рассматривает смерть часто как благо, и ценность жизни там гораздо ниже ценности цели или чести. Мастер учил Беатрикс не убивать в чувствах слепой мести, а понять свой путь и все-таки дойти до конца.  Поэтому она и убивает Билла – любя, но все же убивает.

Потому что это осмысленно, ей есть за что мстить, и это стало ее реальной важной целью. И кроме того, она не делает бессмысленных убийств не потому, что ей жалко, а потому что они ни на что не повлияют в рамках ее пути

Таким образом, закончив свою месть, она имеет возможность начать новую жизнь, наполнив ее новыми смыслами.

Вероятно, Тарантино просто оставил возможность толковать эту сцену двояко – как кому больше нравится.

Какая трактовка правильная?
Героиня «как будто» убила Билла, она не собиралась убивать его по-настоящему 42.87%

Героиня убила Билла, потому что это был ее моральный долг 21.51%

Она убила его, чтобы освободить его и себя 35.63%
Проголосовало: 1381

Автор статьи
Серафима Вишняк Киноман, сериаломан, писатель. Любит искать скрытый смысл даже в самых простых вещах. Пишет странные сказки, обожает сериалы про шпионов и Искусственный Интеллект.

Отличная статья!47Нет…12

Смысл фильма «Убить Билла»

В кинокартине «Убить Билла» все продумано до мелочей. Режиссер не упустил ни одной детали, скрупулёзно вымерил каждое действие. Фильм «Убить Билла» — одна из самых оригинальных кинолент про месть. Зрители не могут не сопереживать Чёрной Мамбе. Но кто эта девушка?

Душевность и открытость главной героини граничат с бездушностью и замкнутостью. Она такая разная. Девушка может перевоплощаться в удивительные роли. Главная героиня живет полной жизнью, поэтому она может испытывать весь спектр эмоций и чувств. Для себя она поняла, что качество ее существования зависит только от неё самой.

Белокурая убийца очень противоречива. Она не многословна, она — человек дела. В ней сочетаются женственность и грубость, улыбки и приступы гнева. Ее проникновенный взгляд может вывести любого противника на чистую воду. Смысл фильма «Убить Билла» заключается в том, чтобы показать невероятную внутреннюю силу женщины. Героиня не смогла «проглотить» обиды. Она долго готовилась, оттачивала мастерство. Когда пришёл час расплаты, она была во всеоружии.

Нужно ли мстить своим обидчикам? Этот вопрос задают себе многие люди. Когда тебе сделали больно, сразу приходит мысль: «Надо дать сдачи». Главная идея киноленты «Убить Билла» заключается в том, что не нужно терпеть унижения, не нужно «закрывать глаза»на подлые поступки. Однако и переходить грани дозволенного тоже не стоит

Важно дать понять обидчикам, что с вами так поступать нельзя, что вы в любой момент можете дать отпор

Кинолента «Убить Билла» сострит из нескольких отдельных сцен, которые можно пересматривать много раз. Точные фразы, юмор и чёткие действия не отпускают зрителя на протяжении всего фильма. У героев хочется учиться их стойкости духа. Как у девушки получилось выстоять в сложившейся ситуации, является большой загадкой. Но героиня знала, ради чего она борется. Ей не нужны были ни деньги, ни власть, ни другие блага. Она сражалась за справедливость. И в первую очередь по отношению к самой себе. Героиня не из тех, кто забывает подлые поступки и предательство. Она уверена, что каждый человек уникален. И каждый из нас заслуживает уважения, понимания и поддержки.

Метафоричная, насыщенная яркими моментами кинолента «Убить Билла» — эта история сильной и смелой девушки, которая в одиночку не побоялась сразиться с целой бандой. Ее спасли огромная вера в собственные возможности и неопреодолимость желание защитить себя как личность. Она безжалостно отомстила тем, кто решил посягнуть на ее неприкосновенность и на свободу. Каждый получил по своим заслугам. Если кто-то думал, что ему все сойдёт с рук, то он очень ошибся. Женщина просто не смогла простить предателей и подлых людей.

Famous Kill Bill quotes from The Bride

12. “You can relax for now. I’m not going to murder you in front of your child, okay?” — The Bride

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13. “No, to get even, even-Steven… I would have to kill you… go up to Nikki’s room, kill her… then wait for your husband, the good Dr. Bell, to come home and kill him. That would be even, Vernita. That’d be about square.” — The Bride

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14. “It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it. Your mother had it comin’. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I’ll be waiting.” — The Bride

15. “As I said before, I’ve allowed you to keep your wicked life for two reasons. And the second reason is so you can tell him in person everything that happened here tonight. I want him to witness the extent of my mercy by witnessing your deformed body. I want you to tell him all the information you just told me. I want him to know what I know. I want him to know I want him to know. And I want them all to know they’ll all soon be as dead as O-Ren.” — The Bride

16. “This is what you get for fucking around with Yakuzas!” — The Bride

17. “Wiggle your big toe.” — The Bride

18. “As I lay in the back of Buck’s truck, trying to will my limbs out of entropy, I could see the faces of the cunts that did this to me and the dicks responsible. Members all of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.” — The Bride

19. “It all depends. When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?” — The Bride

20. “But I am gonna ask you questions. And every time you don’t give me answers, I’m gonna cut something off. And I promise you, they will be things you will miss. Give me your other arm!” — The Bride

21. “Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the limbs you’ve lost. They belong to me now.” — The Bride

22. “Go-Go, I know you feel you must protect your mistress. But I beg you, walk away.” — The Bride

23. “Hard part’s over. Now let’s get these other piggies wiggling.” — The Bride

Best Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Movie Quotes

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

Directed by: Quentin Tarantino
Written by: Quentin Tarantino, Quentin Tarantino
Starring: Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Daryl Hannah
Released on: October 10, 2003
Taglines: Will she kill Bill

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Quotes

O-Ren Ishii : Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords.O-Ren Ishii : You may not be able to fight like a Samurai, but at least you can die like a Samurai.

O-Ren Ishii


Wiggle your big toe.

The Bride


You might not be able to fight like a samurai, but you can at least die like a samurai.

O-Ren Ishii


That really was a Hattori Hanzo sword.

O-Ren Ishii


Thought that was pretty fuckin’ funny, didn’t you? Word of advice, shithead — don’t you ever wake up.

Elle Driver


I might never have liked you. Point of fact, I despise you. But that doesn’t suggest I don’t respect you. Dying in our sleep is a luxury our kind is rarely afforded. My gift to you.

Elle Driver


We’ll have us a knife fight.

Vernita Green


Black Mamba. I shoulda been motherfuckin’ Black Mamba.

Vernita Green


O-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business!

The Bride


So, O-Ren? Any more subordinates for me to kill?

The Bride


My baby! My baby!

The Bride


O-Ren Ishii : So you all will know the seriousness of my warning, I shall say this in English.O-Ren Ishii : As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you’re unconvinced that a particular plan of action I’ve decided is the wisest, tell me so, but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is… I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now’s the fucking time!O-Ren Ishii : I didn’t think so.O-Ren Ishii : Gentlemen, this meeting is adjourned.

O-Ren Ishii


Hard part’s over. Now let’s get these other piggies wiggling.

The Bride


Nikki Bell : Mommy, what happened to you and the TV room?Copperhead : Oh. That good-for-nothing dog of yours got his little ass in the living room and acted a damn fool. That’s what happened.

Vernita Green


Bill : Do you find me sadistic? You know, I bet I could fry an egg on your head right now, if I wanted to. You know, Kiddo, I’d like to believe that you’re aware enough even now to know that there’s nothing sadistic in my actions. Well, maybe towards those other… jokers, but not you. No Kiddo, at this moment, this is me at my most…Bill : masochistic.The Bride : Bill… it’s your baby…

The Bride


The Bride : Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the limbs you’ve lost. They belong to me now.The Bride : Except you, Sofie! You stay right where you are!

The Bride


The Bride : Then give me one of these.Hattori Hanzo : They’re not for sale.The Bride : I didn’t say «sell me», I said «give me».Hattori Hanzo : Why should I help you?The Bride : Because my vermin is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I’d say you have a rather large obligation.Hattori Hanzo : You can sleep here. It will take me a month to make the sword. I suggest you spend it practicing.

The Bride


As I lay in the back of Buck’s truck, trying to will my limbs out of entropy, I could see the faces of the cunts that did this to me and the dicks responsible. Members all of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you’re doing His will.

The Bride


The Bride : This is what you get for fucking around with Yakuzas!The Bride : Go home to your mother!

The Bride


It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it, your mother had it comin’. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I’ll be waiting.

The Bride


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We hope you enjoyed reading Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) quotes. Browse other movie quotes on Ficquotes also. If you think we missed any quote from Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003), please send it to us so we can expand our collection of the best Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) quotes.

Provoking Kill Bill Quotes From Budd (Michael Madsen)

32. “Get your bony *ss down here in the morning, with a million dollars in folding cash, and I’ll give you the greatest sword ever made by man. How do you like the sound of that?” – Budd

33. “But if you’re gonna act like a horse’s *ss, I’ll spray this whole g*dd*mn can—right in your eyeballs!” – Budd

34. “That gentled ya down some. Ain’t nobody a badass with a double dose of rock salt that deep in their t*ts. Not having t*ts as fine or big as yours, I can’t even imagine how bad that sh*t must sting—yet I don’t want to, either.” – Budd

35. “If you’re gonna compare a Hanzo sword, you compare it to every other sword ever made—that wasn’t made by Hattori Hanzo.” – Budd

36. “They say the number one killer of old people is retirement. People get a job to do, they tend to live a little longer so they can do it. I’ve always figured that warriors and their enemies share the same relationship. So, now that you’re not gonna have to face your enemy anymore on the battlefield, which ‘R’ is filled with: relief or regret?” – Budd

Kill Bill quotes from both movies

1. “You and I have unfinished business.”  –The Bride

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2. “I didn’t say sell me. I said give me.” –The Bride

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3. “Funny, you like samurai swords…I like baseball.”  – Hattori Hanzo

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4. “It’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality.” — The Bride

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5. “This is for breaking my brother’s heart.” –Budd

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6. “Your side always was a bit lonely. But I wouldn’t sit anywhere else.” — Bill

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7. “You may not be able to fight like a Samurai, but at least you can die like a Samurai.” — O-Ren Ishii

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8. “If you had to guess where she was headed next, what would be your best guess?” — Bill

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9. “Our reputations precede us.” — The Bride

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10. “Since your arm now belongs to me, I want it strong. Can you do that?” — Pai Mei

You will also enjoy our article on Bertrand Russell quotes.

11. “For those regarded as warriors, when engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior’s only concern. Suppress all human emotion and compassion.” –Hattori Hanzo

Kill Bill Quotes From O-Ren Ishii and Gogo Yubari

42. “You may not be able to fight like a samurai, but at least you can die like a samurai.” – O-Ren Ishii

43. “Swords, however, never get tired. I hope you saved your energy. If you haven’t—you may not last five minutes. But as last looks go, you could do worse.” – O-Ren Ishii

44. “How about now, big boy? Do you still wish to penetrate me? Or is it I—who has penetrated you?” – Gogo Yubari

45. “The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is—I collect your f*cking head. Just like this f*cker here. Now, if any of you sons of b*tches got anything else to say, now’s the f*cking time!” – O-Ren Ishii

46. “Don’t laugh. Do you want to screw me, yes or no?” – Gogo Yubari

Action-Packed Kill Bill Quotes

47. “You know what I did? I killed that miserable old fool! I poisoned his fish heads, and I told him, ‘to me, the word of an old fool like you is worth less than nothing!’” – Elle Driver

48. “But I am gonna ask you questions. And every time you don’t give me answers, I’m gonna cut something off. And I promise you, they will be things you will miss. Give me your other arm!” – The Bride

49. “She is coming, and she is coming to kill you. And unless you accept my assistance, I have no doubt she will succeed.” – Bill

50. Elle Driver: “That’s right. I killed your master. And now I’m gonna kill you too, with your own sword, no less, which in the very immediate future, will become—my sword.”

The Bride: “B*tch, you don’t have a future.”

51. Hattori Hanzo: “Why do you need Japanese steel?”

The Bride: “I have vermin to kill.”

Kill Bill Quotes on Revenge

10. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” – Old Klingon Proverb

11. “When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you’re doing His will.” – The Bride

12. “Revenge is never a straight line. It’s a forest, and like a forest, it’s easy to lose your way—to get lost—to forget where you came in.” – Hattori Hanzo

13. “When it comes to you, and us, I have a few unanswered questions. So, before this tale of bloody revenge reaches its climax, I’m going to ask you some questions, and I want you to tell me the truth.” – Bill

14. “That woman deserves her revenge and—we deserve to die. But then again, so does she. So, I guess we’ll just see. Won’t we? – Budd

What are the benefits of reading these Kill Bill quotes?

With a run time of over four hours, producers split them, hence volumes 1 and 2!

We can learn several lessons from the Kill Bill movies, including:

  • we all have abilities that deserve respect
  • women really can hold their own
  • revenge can become an all-consuming mission

You might also wonder if there will be a Kill Bill Volume 3.

Tarantino has said that the third installment would follow Nikki, Vernita Green’s daughter, and her quest for revenge against The Bride.

It has been nearly two decades though, with Kill Bill Volume 1 coming out in 2003 and Volume 2 premiering in 2004, and there are no official plans to go ahead with the project.

That doesn’t mean it will never happen, though, and Vivica A. Fox even has an actress in mind to portray Nikki… Zendaya!

In the meantime, you can always re-watch the first two volumes and read through these Kill Bill quotes.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you will want to by the time you get to the end of these!

Don’t forget to check out these Quentin Tarantino quotes on film-making, writing and more.

Also, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily wisdom. 

See the rest of our quote database for even more inspirational ideas and thoughts.

Kill Bill Quotes From Bill (David Carradine)

25. “My greatest invention. Or at least, my favorite one—don’t touch it, or I’ll stick another one right in your cheek.” – Bill

26. “Do you find me sadistic? You know, I bet I could fry an egg on your head right now if I wanted to. You know, kiddo, I’d like to believe that you’re aware enough even now to know that there’s nothing sadistic in my actions. Well, maybe towards those other—jokers, but not you. No kiddo, at this moment, this is me at my most—masochistic.” – Bill

27. “Now remember, no backtalk, no sarcasm. At least not for the first year. You’re going to have to let him warm-up for you. He hates Caucasians, despises Americans, and has nothing but contempt for women, so in your case, that may take a little while. Adios.” – Bill

28. “If you had to guess where she was headed next, what would be your best guess?” – Bill

29. “More like a sadistic one. Just seeing those steps again makes me ache. You’re gonna have plenty of fun carrying buckets of water up and down that f*cker.” – Bill

30. “Quite simply, the deadliest blow in all of martial arts. He hits you with his fingertips at five different pressure points on your body. And then he lets you walk away. But after you’ve taken five steps, your heart explodes inside your body, and you fall to the floor, dead.” – Bill

31. “Your side always was a bit lonely. But I wouldn’t sit anywhere else.” – Bill 

Best Kill Bill Quotes

1. “It’s mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality!” – The Bride

2. “You and I have unfinished business and not a g*dd*mn f*cking thing you’ve done in the subsequent four years including getting knocked up is gonna change that.” – The Bride

3. “I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut.” – Hattori Hanzo

4. “Because, when it comes to the subject of me, I believe you are truly and utterly incapable of telling the truth, especially to me, and least of all, to yourself. And, when it comes to the subject of me, I am truly and utterly incapable of believing anything you say.” – Bill

5. “I roared and I rampaged and I got bloody satisfaction.” – The Bride

6. “I have only one more. The last one; the one I’m driving to right now. The only one left. And when I arrive at my destination, I am gonna kill Bill!” – The Bride

7. “Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the limbs you’ve lost. They belong to me now.” – The Bride

8. “I might never have liked you. Point of fact, I despise you. But that doesn’t suggest I don’t respect you. Dying in our sleep is a luxury our kind is rarely afforded. My gift to you.” – Elle Driver

9. The Bride: “Our reputations precede us.”

Gogo Yubari: “Don’t they?”

The Bride: “Gogo, I know you feel you must protect your mistress. But I beg you, walk away.”

Gogo Yubari: “You call that begging? You can beg better than that!”

More Kill Bill Quotes That’ll Pique Your Interest

52. “Before that strip turned blue, I was a woman. I was your woman. I was a killer who killed you. Before that strip turned blue, I would have jumped a motorcycle onto a speeding train—for you. But once that strip turned blue, I could no longer do any of those things. Not anymore. Because I was going to be a mother. Can you understand that?” – The Bride

53. “No. You’re not a bad person. You’re a terrific person. You’re my favorite person, but every once in a while, you can be a real cunt.” – Bill

54. “I’m calling you a killer. A natural-born killer. You always have been, and you always will be.” – Bill

55. “Y’all beat the hell out of that woman, but you didn’t kill her. And I put a bullet in her head, but her heart just kept on beating. Now, you saw that yourself with your own beautiful blue eyes, did you not? We’ve done a lot of things to this lady. And if she ever wakes up, we’ll do a whole lot more. But one thing we won’t do is sneak into her room in the night like a filthy rat and kill her in her sleep. And the reason we won’t do that thing is because that thing would lower us. Don’t you agree, Miss Driver?” – Bill

56. “You know, five years ago, if I had to make a list of impossible things that would never happen, you performing a coup de grace on me, by busting a cap in my crown, would have been right at the top of the list. But I’d be wrong, wouldn’t I?” – The Bride

57. “Your swordsmanship is amateur at best.” – Pai Mei

58. The Bride: “How did you find me?”

Bill: “I’m the man.”

59. “Nine dead bodies. And we’re talking the whole she-bang: bride, groom, reverend, reverend’s wife—hell, they even shot that old colored fella that plays the organ.” – Edgar McGraw

60. “Then you can’t do it. What if your enemy is three inches in front of you, what do you do then? Curl into a ball? Or do you put your fist through him?” – Pai Mei

Do You Think Vengeance Is the Only Way to Move Forward?

When one is offended, angered, or hurt by another, revenge can brew inside one’s heart. It may lead you to make decisions that you will later regret. Because of this, people’s views on vengeance differ; some may believe it is justified, while others do not.

The central theme of the Kill Bill movie franchise is vengeance. As the plot thickens in the first movie, we see how The Bride dedicated tremendous time and effort to gain the confidence and strength to exact her rageful revenge on the people who hurt her.

Revenge is never an easy topic, and in the same way, it is rarely the correct answer. When you live your life with hatred, negativity, and the need to harm others, you will live a poor and sad life. Yes, it may shape you to what you think is a stronger version of yourself, but in reality, it actually destroys you.

This movie is brutal in some ways, but it also has a lot to say about life. It is a reminder not to let past mistakes and revenge consume our whole beings and destroy the love we have inside ourselves. Hopefully, these Kill Bill quotes were able to open your eyes to just that.

Have you watched any of the Kill Bill movies? Please, leave a comment below.

Kill Bill Quotes and Lines From Pai Mei

37. “Since your arm now belongs to me, I want it strong. Can you do that?” – Pai Mei

38. “Your Mandarin is lousy. It causes my ears great discomfort. You bray like an *ss! You are not to speak unless spoken to! It is too much to hope for but—do you speak Cantonese?” – Pai Mei

39. “It’s the wood that should fear your hand, not the other way around. No wonder you can’t do it, you must acquiesce to defeat before you even begin.” – Pai Mei

40. “The exquisite art of the samurai sword? Don’t make me laugh! Your so-called exquisite art is only fit for Japanese fatheads!” – Pai Mei

41. “If you want to eat like a dog, you can live and sleep outside like a dog. If you want to live and sleep like a human, pick up those sticks!” – Pai Mei

What did you learn from these Kill Bill quotes?

Kill Bill is the quintessential Quentin Tarantino film, which is precisely why this movie is so good.

Tarantino is known for doing several signature things in his films, and Kill Bill has them all: the long sequences of dialogue, the extensive amount of detail his characters observe things with, unusual crimes, and his portrayal of violence.

Kill Bill Volume 1 was Tarantino’s highest-grossing movie (coming in at more than $180 million) until Inglorious Basterds in 2009.

Kill Bill Volume 2 also received great reviews and did well at the box office.

The films follow the story of a squad of assassins and a woman’s quest for revenge.

There are many twists and turns throughout the film that I won’t spoil in case you want to watch it and haven’t already.

I will tell you to hold on to your swords, though, cause it is a wild ride!

Share your favorite Kill Bill quotes and lines with us in the comment section below!

Danielle is the Managing Editor for EverydayPower.com. She has a Master’s in Management and Leadership and is also a Life Coach. These skills, coupled with her background, both professional and personal, help her write on a variety of topics. This content is centered on team and self-development, trauma, motivation, and other inspirational messages. She lives in Montana with her husband and two children. When not writing she can found reading, cooking, and helping others overcome obstacles in their daily lives.

Iconic Kill Bill Quotes From The Bride (Uma Thurman)

15. “I’m the deadliest woman in the world. But right now—I’m just scared sh*tless for my baby. Please, just look at the strip.” – The Bride

16. “It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it. Your mother had it comin’. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I’ll be waiting.” – The Bride

17. “As I said before, I’ve allowed you to keep your wicked life for two reasons. And the second reason is so you can tell him in person everything that happened here tonight.” – The Bride

18. “Hard part’s over. Now let’s get these other piggies wiggling.” – The Bride

19. “No. No. To get even? Even Steven? I would have to kill you, go up to Nikki’s room, kill her, then wait for your husband, the good Dr. Bell, to come home and kill him. That would be even, Vernita. That’d be about square.” – The Bride 

20. “Yes, but it was the right decision and I made it for my daughter. She deserved to be born with a clean slate. But with you, she would have been born in a world she shouldn’t have. I had to choose—I chose her.” – The Bride

21. “This is what you get for f*cking around with Yakuzas!” – The Bride

22. “It all depends. When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?” – The Bride

23. “As I lay in the back of Buck’s truck, trying to wrench my limbs out of entropy, I could see the faces of the c*nts that did this to me and the dicks responsible. Members all of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad.” – The Bride

24. “You can relax for now. I’m not gonna murder you in front of your child, okay.” – The Bride

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